Burning - Privacy Policy

the Burning Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") . Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Policy, all terms used in this Policy shall have the same meaning as those set forth in the Agreement.

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, so we take your privacy very seriously and will only use your personal data ("Data") to manage your account and provide the Services after obtaining your consent to the collection and processing of Data, as follows. This policy explains what, when, where and why we collect your Data, the legal basis on which we process the Data and how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose the Data to others, your rights in relation to your Personal Information, and how we keep it secure. If you have any questions, please contact us at lindajennifer052@gmail.com .

By using the Service, you agree that the terms of this Policy will govern the collection and processing of your data.

1 Introduction

1.1. Under this Policy, we may use your personal information to:

Determine the user's identity;

Provide our applications to users;

Inform users of updates and promotions;

protect, maintain and improve the Application;

Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of us and our users.

2. Your personal information and how we use it

2.1. Login Information may include: your full name, account photo, nickname, email, gender, and your social media user credentials. You are the source of the data. Login Information is necessary for you to access and use the Services. Your consent to the processing of personal data, as well as the performance of a contract between us and/or taking steps at your request to enter into such a contract, constitutes the legal context for such processing.

2.2. All personal information sent by default by software installed by the user, including but not limited to: the user's IP address, cookie file contents, personal information transmitted by the browser or other software that allows you to access our services, as well as the time/date and URL of the page you requested, your digital wallet ID, CSP name. When you purchase products and/or services from us, we may collect your name, partial credit card number and/or other payment information. Your consent and the performance of a contract between us and/or taking steps at your request to enter into such a contract constitute the legal basis for such data processing. We make every commercially reasonable effort to ensure that your credit card number and other payment information is kept highly confidential and only use third-party billing services that comply with GDPR and have branch standard encryption technology to protect your credit card number from unauthorized use.

2.3. Usage Data is information about your use of the Application. Usage Data is typically identifying information, which is non-personal information, provided by servers, web browsers, and services such as Google Analytics, such as browser type, language selection, referring websites, and the time of each visit. Other information we may access includes how you use the Application (such as search queries), your approximate location, etc. Usage Data may include the following: 1) Data used primarily for behavioral statistics, emails, and business intelligence activities ("Business Analytics"). We collect traffic data for the Application through Google Analytics; 2) Data used primarily for fraud prevention and technical security or error monitoring ("Technical Information"); The legal basis for such processing is our and/or third parties' legitimate interests, in particular to track the quality of the service, improve the Application, and avoid, diagnose and track fraud, criminal behavior or other improper use of the Application, as well as to prevent security issues.

2.4. Communication Data can be defined as any information stored or related to messages you send to us or generate through the Application. Communication Data includes: 1) all requests, messages and/or other communications with our customer support via email, support tickets, dispute review process or using other communication methods; 2) all your communications and attachments or other data, mainly generated by your communication with other users; Communication Data can include full name, nickname, email and IP address, avatar, video and audio files, and for manual identity verification: photos of users, photos of users' personal ID cards, and photos of users' utility bills or related documents. In addition, our system may randomly capture screenshots of your communications with other users. The reason for processing your communication data may be to communicate with you or/and keep records to investigate and resolve disputes, prevent illegal and abominable behavior, provide better services to our customers and improve our application. Our legitimate interests constitute the legal background for such processing, in particular the proper administration of the services here and our business, and to prevent unethical and/or disorderly behavior.

2.5. Notification Data is the information you provide to subscribe to our SMS or email notifications and/or newsletters. The Notification Data may include the following: your email, full name and username, telephone number. We process the Notification Data for the purpose of sending you the newsletter and/or expiration notices. Your consent constitutes the legal basis for this processing. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email, unchecking the box in your profile settings or contacting us.

2.6. It may mean using the information for legal compliance, security management and inspection, litigation or pre-litigation. You agree that if we have a dispute with a user, we will use your personal information as evidence that you actually used our application. The lawful basis for such processing is our legitimate interests, in particular to assert and defend our legal rights, your legal rights and the legal rights of others.

2.7. In addition to the specific purposes outlined herein and for which we may process your information, other reasons for which we process your information are aimed at protecting your fundamental interests or those of another natural person. The validity of the personal information you provide is not determined by the Company. We expect you to provide accurate personal information, so we keep it up to date. Please make sure not to provide us with any personal information that is not mandatory.

3. System permissions used by Burning

In order to provide you with products or services, we may need to use the system permissions in your device (excluding permissions called by connected third parties) to collect relevant personal information. Although we have already touched upon this in the previous section, this section will summarize and organize all the system permissions used by Burning to facilitate a more systematic, complete and transparent presentation to you. You can choose whether to authorize us to use the relevant permissions of your device. If you do not authorize us to use the relevant permissions, some services may be unavailable, but it will not affect your use of other features of Burning .

3.1. Photo album and storage permissions

Once you agree to enable this permission, we will use the photo album reading and storage function on your device. This function will be used to upload text, images, videos and other content in your device, and can also cache text, images, and video content generated during your use of Burning products and/or services. Please be aware that we will not automatically read the storage content of your local photo album. We will only obtain image/video data after you agree to enable this permission and actively select the corresponding image in the album. If you refuse this authorization, the aforementioned functions will not work properly.

3.2 Microphone Permissions

Once you agree to enable this permission, we will use the microphone function on your device and recognize the voice information you upload. This permission will be used to implement voice input and voice change functions, and to collect and recognize the voice information input during the implementation of the above functions . If you refuse this authorization, the above functions will not be available.

3.3. Message push permissions

Once you agree to enable this permission, we will push messages to you so that you can receive and understand our notifications in a timely manner. If you refuse this authorization, you will not be able to receive the messages we push to you.

3.4. Camera Permissions

Once you agree to enable this permission, we will use the camera function on your device. This function will be used to take photos and record videos, and collect and identify the pictures and videos taken or recorded during the implementation of the above functions . If you refuse this authorization, the above functions will not be available.

3.5. Floating window permissions

In order to float the content of the " Group Voice Chat Room " on other content, we will apply for your floating window permission. If you refuse such authorization, the above function will not be available.

3.6. Device Information Access Permissions

After you agree to enable this permission, in order to protect your account and login security, we will collect your corresponding device information for optimizing user experience, security checks, identifying whether it is a commonly used device, and device binding status. If you are an Android user, your refusal to grant this authorization will result in your inability to use this product and/or service normally. If you are an iOS user, you may not be able to directly refuse or close the above authorization due to the limitations of the iOS system, but for some device information (for example: IDFA information, which is subject to the actual situation updated from time to time by the iOS system policy), you can choose whether to authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to authorize, we may not be able to provide you with the corresponding functions or services (for example: if you refuse us to collect your IDFA information, we will not be able to provide you with personalized display based on the IDFA tracking identifier).

3.7. Access the network and obtain network status permissions

Our APP can only connect to the Internet after you agree to enable this permission. At the same time, for the purpose of risk control and service provision, we can also monitor network changes and remind users of the current network environment. If you refuse this authorization, you will not be able to use this product and/or service normally.

4. Information You Decide to Display Publicly through Our Services

4.1 . Some users often choose to make personal or sensitive information publicly available when using our applications. This occurs when using optional fields in a profile, communicating in a chat, or changing a conversation from private to public. If you voluntarily post such information in a public application section, it will be considered public information, even if it is private or sensitive in nature. When you voluntarily post such information publicly, you no longer have the right to privacy in that information.

4.2 . Please note that if you choose to provide identifiable information when using certain public features of this Application, this information may be used by readers or disclosed to third parties without our control or your knowledge, and search engines may index such information. Therefore, we recommend that you think twice before including any special information (created by you or submitted through our Application) that you may consider to be private.

5. Transfer of your personal information to third parties

5.1 . Except as required by law, the Company is obliged not to sell, rent, exchange or otherwise share the user's personal information with third parties unless the user has given explicit consent. The following circumstances give us the right to provide third parties with access to the user's personal information:

We have obtained the user's explicit consent to share their personal information with third parties;

The use of the Application requires the transmission of personal data. In such cases, we use a third party to fulfill this requirement in order to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information.

5.2 . When processing your data, we may use the following data processors:

SDK: RongCloud

Manufacturer: RongCloud

Purpose of use: To provide real-time messaging functions and services

Information collected: device brand, device model, ANDROID_ID, operating system version, CPU information, memory usage, IP address, network access method and type, user ID under App Key, application package name, time zone, language, App version number, App Key of App, user token, RongCloud SDK version number, operator code MNO, interface call error code, link failure error code

Privacy Policy: https://doc.rongcloud.cn/rcloud/-/-/privacy#%E4%B8%80-imlib-sdk


Manufacturer: Agora

Purpose of use: Voice calls

Information collected: network type, user's local IP address, WLAN and cellular network signal status, operating system, device model, CPU, memory, device power, audio stream data, Bluetooth, network latency, packet loss rate, bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, sampling rate

Privacy Policy: https://www.shengwang.cn/SDK-privacy-policy/

SDK: Facebook

Manufacturer: Meta

Purpose: Facebook event manager

Information collected: Please refer to https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/?section_id=1-WhatInformationDoWe

Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/?section_id=0-WhatIsThePrivacy

SDK: google

Manufacturer: google

Purpose of use: Login

Information collected: OpenID

Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

SDK: adjust

Manufacturer: Adjust

Purpose of use: Installation data attribution analysis

Information collected: app activity, device or other identifiers

Privacy Policy: https://help.adjust.com/en/article/google-play-data-safety#data-collection-by-adjusts-sdk

We try our best to provide security measures for users' personal information to prevent illegal use, unauthorized access, disclosure, leakage, damage and loss of users' personal information. We will use all possible security measures within a reasonable security level to ensure information security. For example, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL), anonymization, encrypted storage and other means to protect your personal information; we will establish a reliable protection mechanism to prevent personal information from malicious attacks; we will establish an access control mechanism and abide by the principle of minimum access to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; we will conduct training courses on security and personal information protection to enhance employees' understanding of personal information protection.

If you find that your personal information, especially your account or password, has been leaked, please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures based on your application.

Please note that when you use our services, you voluntarily share or even disclose your information, which may involve your personal information or the personal information of others. Please carefully consider whether to share or even disclose such information when using our services.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information at all times.

6. Links to third-party websites

6 .1. Third-party websites may link to the Applications here. We will make all commercially reasonable efforts to verify that they are not associated with any illegal activities and comply with the GDPR. Nevertheless, we have no control over such websites, which are subject to this Privacy Policy. However, they may have their own terms of use and notices of privacy practices. We are not responsible for such websites. You acknowledge and agree that the use of such websites to access advertisements is at your own risk. It is your responsibility to check the notices of privacy practices of such websites to understand how they handle your personal data.

7. Children’s Privacy Protection

7 .1. Although the Application is not intended for use by persons under the age of 18, we understand that children may attempt to access it. We do not inadvertently collect personal information from children under the age of 18 and take all measures to prevent persons under the above age limit from accessing the Application. If you are a guardian or parent and believe that your child may be using the Application, please contact us. We may request proof of identity before deleting any data to prevent malicious deletion of account details. If we discover that a child is using our Application, we will delete their information with reasonable speed. You acknowledge and agree that the user's identity information is accepted "as is" for the purpose of verifying their age - we are not responsible if the information is misleading.

8. Illegal Activities

8.1 . We reserve the right to review complaints or violations reported to us and take any action we deem appropriate, including reporting suspected illegal activity to law enforcement agencies, regulators or other third parties and disclosing information related to your profile, emails, usage history, posted materials, traffic details and IP addresses to those persons or agencies.

9. International Transfer of Your Personal Information

9 .1. Your information is initially stored within the EEA (European Economic Area). However, certain service features and requirements involve sending your data to third-party service providers outside the EEA. All such service providers are described in paragraph 4 above. Unless the aforementioned service providers are introduced in countries that guarantee an adequate level of protection, as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the relevant transfer will be subject to standard data security clauses.

10. Storage and deletion of personal data

10.1 . Personal information that we process for any purpose will not be stored for longer than is necessary for that purpose.

10.2 . Users can request deletion of their accounts through our Services.

10.3 . For users who have cancelled their accounts, we will store and delete your personal information:

We will delete your identity-confirming analytics data 30 days after account deletion.

30 days after you delete your account, we will hide your public profile.

We will delete your communications within 30 days of your account being deleted. Random screenshots taken by our system to track and prevent illegal and egregious user behavior will always be overwritten and retained for 90 days.

We will delete your login details, account and ID data, technical and transaction data 90 days after your account is deleted.

10.4 . In some cases, we are unable to specify in advance how long we will retain your personal information. In such cases, the retention period will be determined based on the period of time we need to access the data to provide services, obtain payment, resolve customer support issues, or for other legal or audit reasons.

10.5 . Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement, we may retain your personal information for a reasonable period of time and where such storage is necessary to meet a legal basis, to protect your fundamental interests or the fundamental interests of another natural person, where we are required to comply with the law.

11. Your rights

1 1 .1. We have summarized here the fundamental rights you have under data protection law. Some of the rights are complex and may include limitations on the legal basis for processing, some details of which are not included in this summary. You are advised to read the respective directories and the laws of the supervisory authorities separately to find a full explanation of these rights.

1 1 .2. Under data protection law, you have the following basic rights:

Right of access. You have the right to confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal information and, if so, to access your personal information. Provided such action does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of others, we will be able to provide you with a copy of your data. The first copy is provided free of charge, while additional copies may be subject to a fee. To access your personal data, you can contact our customer support.

Right to rectification. You can request the rectification of any inaccurate information concerning you and, taking into account the purposes of the processing, the completion of any part of the personal information concerning you.

Right to erasure. You may request the erasure of your personal information. Our policies regarding retention and deletion of personal data are described in paragraph 9 above.

Right to object to processing. You have the right to object to our services processing your information due to your particular situation, but only where there is a legitimate ground for such processing, namely where it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or pursuant to a procedure outlined by any official body appointed by us; or for the purposes of the legitimate rights pursued by us or any third party. In the event of such an objection, we will terminate the processing of your data if we do not provide a reasonable, legitimate reason for such processing that outweighs your interests or rights and freedoms; otherwise, such processing is for public authorities, the exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to restriction. You have the right to request the termination of the processing of your data in special cases, for example if you exercise your right to object as described above, or if you seek the accuracy of the information we process.

Right to data portability. Where your consent is the legal basis for our processing of your information and we carry out such processing by automated means, you can ask us to provide you with your information in a structured format that is generally efficient and machine-readable. However, this right does not apply where it may prejudice the rights and freedoms of others.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority. If you believe that the information we process about you infringes data protection laws, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. Your complaint can be made in the EU member state of your permanent residence, place of work or where the alleged violation occurred.

Right to withdraw consent. In the legal context of consent to the processing of your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal.

11.3 . Without prejudice to the foregoing, if there is reasonable doubt about the identity of a user exercising the rights set out in paragraph 10, or if we deem it necessary for security reasons, we may request further information from that user and take all reasonable steps to prove the user's identity.

1 1 .4. You can exercise your rights related to your personal information by contacting customer support. Regarding the "right to deletion", through our services, users can also request to delete their accounts.

12 . How to contact us

1 2 . 1 . If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our data collection practices and/or your rights, please contact our Customer Support.

1 2 . 2 . If you have any comments or feedback on our products, you can contact us via this email: lindajennifer052@gmail.com .